Too Black to Be a Woman, Too Woman to Be Black

I’ve been having a lot of feels lately about who gets protected in the stories we tell, the news we latch onto, and who gets left out in the cold. Black men who expect Black women to stand up for them but turn around and ignore us. White women who expect us to stand up for them but turn around and spew racist BS. An article by a WoC about the toll “White woman tears” have on PoC, especially WoC, has led to the author being harassed constantly for the last few weeks, mostly by women who would claim to be enlightened. A high profile Black man is prosecuted for raping a Black woman and apparently it’s proof that the government is out to lynch him and ruin his career because there isn’t a similarly high profile White man in the same position. The Black men who were arrested in Starbucks are lauded, while the Black woman who was assaulted by police in Waffle house is forgotten.

Too Black to Be a Woman, Too Woman to Be Black
An experiment to raise awareness of misogynoir

Every time a white woman says or does something racist in your presence lose a point, two points if she claims to be a feminist.

Every time a Black man says or does something misogynist in your presence lose a point, two if he claims to be pro black.

Every time a white woman calls someone out for racism in your presence, gain a point, two if it’s in defense of a Black woman.

Every time a Black man calls someone out for sexism in your presence, gain a point, two if it’s in defense of a Black woman.

Keep these tallies in separate columns.

The game ends when any one column has ten marks.

-38 to 0 Find better people to hang around
1 to 30 You seem to run with a fairly decent group
31 to 40 Did you cheat?